2024 Schedule of Fees

For an arbitration administered under the 2024 HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules

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*Last updated 1 June 2024

In cases where parties have agreed to have their arbitration administered by HKIAC in accordance with the 2024 HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules ("2024 Rules"), the parties should refer to this Schedule of Fees for the most updated fees applicable.

Calculate the applicable fees using the Fee Calculator under the 2024 Rules. (last updated 1 June 2024)

Registration Fee

When submitting a Notice of Arbitration, the Claimant shall pay a non-refundable registration fee of HKD 8,000 pursuant to Article 4.4 and Schedule 1 of the 2024 Rules. Where there is more than one Claimant, the registration fee shall be shared equally between the Claimants, unless the Claimants agree otherwise.

HKIAC Administrative Fees

Pursuant to paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 of the 2024 Rules, HKIAC’s Administrative Fee shall be determined in accordance with the following table:



Up to 400,000


From 400,001 to 800,000

19,800 + 1.300% of & over 400,000

From 800,001 to 4,000,000

25,000 + 1.000% of & over 800,000

From 4,000,001 to 8,000,000

57,000 + 0.545% of & over 4,000,000

From 8,000,001 to 16,000,000

78,800 + 0.265% of & over 8,000,000

From 16,000,001 to 40,000,000

100,000 + 0.200% of & over 16,000,000

From 40,000,001 to 80,000,000

148,000 + 0.110% of & over 40,000,000

From 80,000,001 to 240,000,000

192,000 + 0.071% of & over 80,000,000

From 240,000,001 to 400,000,000

305,600 + 0.059% of & over 240,000,000

Over 400,000,000



Pursuant to Articles 18.2, 27.15, 28.10 or 30.2 of the 2024 Rules or where in the opinion of HKIAC there are exceptional circumstances, HKIAC's Administrative Fees may depart from the amounts set out above.

Where the amount in dispute is not quantified, pursuant to paragraph 2.6 of Schedule 1 of the 2024 Rules, HKIAC’s Administrative Fees shall be fixed by HKIAC, taking into account the circumstances of the case.

Fees of Arbitral Tribunal and Tribunal Secretary

Fees of Arbitral Tribunal and Tribunal Secretary under Schedule 2 

Where the fees of the arbitral tribunal are determined in accordance with Schedule 2:

(a) subject to paragraph 9.5 of that Schedule, the maximum agreed hourly rate of an arbitrator is HKD 6,500 per hour; and

(b) where the arbitral tribunal appoints a secretary pursuant to Article 13.4 of the 2024 Rules, the maximum hourly rate of the tribunal secretary is HKD 2,500 per hour.

Fees of Arbitral Tribunal and Tribunal Secretary under Schedule 3

Where the fees of the arbitral tribunal are determined in accordance with Schedule 3 such fees shall be fixed by HKIAC in accordance with the following table:



Up to 400,000

11.000% of amount in dispute

From 400,001 to 800,000

44,000 + 10.000% of & over 400,000

From 800,001 to 4,000,000

84,000 + 5.300% of & over 800,000

From 4,000,001 to 8,000,000

253,600 + 3.780% of & over 4,000,000

From 8,000,001 to 16,000,000

404,800 + 1.730% of & over 8,000,000

From 16,000,001 to 40,000,000

543,200 + 1.060% of & over 16,000,000

From 40,000,001 to 80,000,000

797,600 + 0.440% of & over 40,000,000

From 80,000,001 to 240,000,000

973,600 + 0.250% of & over 80,000,000

From 240,000,001 to 400,000,000

1,373,600 + 0.228% of & over 240,000,000

From 400,000,001 to 600,000,000

1,738,400 + 0.101% of & over 400,000,000

From 600,000,001 to 800,000,000

1,940,400 + 0.067% of & over 600,000,000

From 800,000,001 to 4,000,000,00

2,074,400 + 0.044% of & over 800,000,000

Over 4,000,000,000

3,482,400 + 0.025% of & over 4,000,000,000
Maximum of 12,574,000


The fees shown in the table above are intended to represent the maximum amount payable to one arbitrator.

Pursuant to Articles 10.3(c), 18.227.15 or 28.10 or 30.2 of the 2024 Rules or where in the opinion of HKIAC there are exceptional circumstances, the arbitral tribunal's fees may depart from the amounts set out above.

Where the amount in dispute is not quantified, pursuant to paragraph 6.7 of Schedule 3 of the Rules, the arbitral tribunal's fees shall be fixed by HKIAC, taking into account the circumstances of the case.

Where the arbitral tribunal appoints a secretary pursuant to Article 13.4  of the 2024 Rules and the HKIAC guidelines on Use of Secretary to Arbitral Tribunal, the fees of the tribunal secretary shall form part of the arbitral tribunal's fees.

Fee for filing a Challenge to an Arbitrator

A party submitting a Notice of Challenge pursuant to Article 11.7 of the 2024 Rules shall pay a non-refundable fee of HKD 50,000. Where the Notice is submitted by more than one party, those parties shall pay the fee in equal shares, unless the parties agree otherwise.

Fees Applicable to Emergency Arbitrator Procedures

The fees of an emergency arbitrator shall be determined by HKIAC in accordance with Schedule 2 of the 2024 Rules.

Pursuant to paragraph 5 of Schedule 4 the total fees of an emergency arbitrator shall not exceed HKD 200,000 unless the parties agree or HKIAC determines otherwise in exceptional circumstances. 

A party applying for the appointment of an emergency arbitrator shall pay an Application Deposit of HKD 250,000 on the date of application. Where the application is submitted by more than one party, those parties shall pay the Application Deposit in equal shares, unless the parties agree otherwise.

The Application Deposit covers:

(a) HKIAC's emergency administrative fees in the amount of HKD 45,000; and

(b) the emergency arbitrator’s maximum total fees and his or her expenses in the amount of HKD 205,000.

Pursuant to paragraph 5 of Schedule 4, HKIAC may increase the emergency arbitrator's fees or HKIAC's emergency administrative fees taking into account the circumstances set out therein.

Monetary Threshold for Expedited Procedure

For the purposes of Article 42.1(a) of the 2024 Rules, a party may apply to HKIAC for the arbitration to be conducted in accordance with the Expedited Procedure under Article 42.2 where the amount in dispute representing the aggregate of any claim and counterclaim (or any set-off defence or cross-claim) does not exceed HKD 25,000,000.

Method of Payments

For details on how to pay, please refer to HKIAC Methods of Payment.

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