新闻 快讯
香港国际仲裁中心(HKIAC)已指聘Maria-Krystyna Duval为总法律顾问。Duval女士已于2015年8月开始上任。
Duval女士曾在巴黎和伦敦的多个国际律师事务所和国际机构工作,在国际仲裁领域具有丰富的经验。她曾参与ICC, LCIA, SCC, UNCITRAL和ICSID的仲裁程序以及相关法院程序。她还对诈骗、贪污、贿赂以及国际人权等法律问题有深入的研究。
作为HKIAC秘书处成员,Duval女士将辅助秘书长鲍其安在全球推广HKIAC仲裁和其它争议解决服务。她将在副总法律顾问刘侨的协助下指导由HKIAC法律顾问Kiran Sanghera, Aditya Kurian, Jay Santiago和 副法律顾问吴昆燐、李禧承进行的仲裁案件管理工作。
HKIAC秘书长鲍其安表示 ”we are delighted to welcome Maria to the HKIAC team. Maria has significant experience as a practitioner from several jurisdictions as well as in academia and in the non-profit industry. Her linguistic prowess will be able to cater to parties from a broad range of jurisdictions and we are keen to expand our reach with Maria on board”。
Essex Court Chambers仲裁员、皇家御用大律师,Duval女士先前在国王学院的同事VV Veeder表示 “Maria-Krystyna was a highly valued member of our teaching team at the Dickson Poon School of Law at King’s College, University of London – knowledgeable, patient, efficient and much-liked by students and professors alike. She is much missed; but our loss is , happily, HKIAC’s gain”。
奥睿律师事务所资深法律顾问,Duval女士前同事Laurence Craig谈到” Maria-Krystyna has used her multi-talented skills in law firms, teaching and consulting with international organizations. I have no doubt that she will contribute greatly to the HKIAC and its mission in international arbitration”。
Duval女士已替代HKIAC前任总法律顾问Ruth Stackpool-Moore。Stackpool-Moore女士最近加入一英国国际诉讼资助公司在香港开设的亚太办公室。对此,鲍秘书长表示 “Ruth was an amazing colleague of over the past two years and we wish her well in her new endeavours. I am sure that there will be an opportunity for us to work with her in her new capacity and I look forward to doing so”。
Gen Bai
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